Rice for 39 families... and counting!

Dear donors, because of your generosity, you have provided exactly 39 families with rice!

We have dispersed a fund to local volunteers who bring rice into impoverished areas. They focus on families who felt parts of the Ayeyarwaddy Delta and Bago division following the devastation of Cyclone Nargis, and settled into what has since become some of the poorer areas of Yangon. While times have often been hard for these families, it is nothing like having had to endure first a year of a pandemic and now a terrifying military coup. Many of these families have very little left, and very little, if any, resources available to provide even for their basic needs.

The volunteers serving them risk their lives to avoid police checkpoints and safely distribute the rice. Your generous donation has funded their mission, and 39 families will not have to worry about their daily sustenance thanks to you.

For those who would like to support this noble effort during these dark days in Myanmar, please share this opportunity with them.