A successful Dhamma tour!

An American professor asked Myanmar Pilgrimage to arrange a Dhamma trip for he and his wife. We offered a very diverse program that included the following: first, we arranged for the professor to give a lecture inside Rangoon University's School of Oriental Studies, in which he drew upon his background of Public Health to discuss how Buddhist mindfulness practices are becoming increasingly integrated into Western practices.

Then, special access was arranged for him to enter the university library and browse its collection of Burmese Buddhist art, presided over by a library expert. The professor was so moved by the visit that he has since worked to set up a scholarship fund for deserving students, and to review academic papers and offer feedback remotely.

Next, he was taken across Yangon River to see some current excavations taking place of centuries-old ancient pagodas and stupas, and one of the leading advisors on the project discussed both the excavation efforts as well as the art and architecture.

But perhaps the highlight of the trip (see photo) was our visit to the Mogok Monastery headquarters across from Kandawgyi Park. Here, he met with International Theravada Buddhist Missionary University (ITBMU) professor Dr. Jenny Ko Gyi, and proceeded to have a lively and dynamic discussion of Mogok Sayadaw's teaching of the Law of Dependent Origination. They explored how Mogok's technique compared with other leading Burmese meditation teachers, as well as why Dr. Jenny felt that the Mogok method allowed for an immediate exploration into the Ultimate Reality. Both sides came away highly impressed with the other, the American professor feeling satiated after exploring Burmese Buddhist practice in depth with such an expert scholar and practitioner, and Dr. Jenny Ko Gyi making the startling statement that the American was the wisest, most discerning and intelligent foreign visitor she had ever had the pleasure to have met!

What a great dhamma tour. For inquiries about your own aspirations, give us a message!

Shwe Lan Ga Lay1 Comment