"Dhamma Provides"

Mike Alahouzos, an American meditator from the S.N. Goenka tradition, recently completed a one month pilgrimage with us. His Dhamma tour took him through caves, monasteries, and nunneries, to riverside pagodas and ancient stupa ruins, to active meditation monasteries as well as historic sites where the lineage of Goenkaji maintained vipassana meditation for the last century plus. Mike kindly shared this reflection concerning his month in the Golden Land:

“Myanmar Pilgrimage was more than I could have asked for, and certainly more than I could’ve expected. Just by the nature of such a tour, magical things were happening each day that couldn’t be planned, organized or prepared for. To put these things into words would be trivial. The pilgrimage takes care of itself, I would say. Or some might say: ‘Dhamma provides.’ It certainly did during my 28 days with Myanmar Pilgrimage. I’m so glad that I joined, and I’ll never forget the value of this experience.”

Shwe Lan Ga Lay