Bagan or Angkor Wat?

Traveler voice:

“In 2018 I took a holiday in Cambodia and Myanmar, and I have to say that I was blown away by both Angkor Wat and Bagan. I've been to a lot of different places around the world, but these two places were definitely some of the most impressive and beautiful that I've ever seen.

I think the main reason I liked Bagan so much more than Angkor Wat was because it was just so much more than a temple complex. Yes, the temples at Angkor Wat are incredible, but there's just something about the scale and scope of Bagan that makes it truly special.

When you're standing in the middle of the ancient city of Bagan, with its hundreds of temples dotting the landscape, it's hard to not feel a sense of awe and wonder. You can just imagine what it must have been like in its heyday, when the city was filled with people and the temples were bustling with activity.

It's also worth mentioning that Bagan is a lot easier to explore than Angkor Wat. The temples at Angkor Wat are spread out over a vast area, so you really need to plan your visit carefully if you want to see everything. Bagan, on the other hand, is much more compact, so you can easily walk from one temple to the next.

Both of these temple complexes are absolutely massive and incredibly beautiful. But they are also very different in terms of their architecture and their overall feel.

Angkor Wat is a Hindu temple complex built in the 12th century. It is an absolutely massive site, with dozens of temples spread out over a huge area. The temples are all incredibly detailed and ornate, and they are surrounded by an enormous moat.

The overall feel of Angkor Wat is one of grandeur and majesty. It's an absolutely incredible place, and I felt really small and insignificant in comparison to the scale of the site.

Bagan, on the other hand, is a Buddhist temple complex built in the 11th century. It's much smaller than Angkor Wat, with only a few dozen temples spread out over a relatively small area. But what Bagan lacks in size, it makes up for in beauty.

The temples of Bagan are incredibly simple and elegant, and they are set against a backdrop of rolling hills and lush vegetation. I found the overall atmosphere of Bagan to be much more spiritual and peaceful than Angkor Wat.

Don't get me wrong, I loved both of these places. They are both absolutely amazing. But I have to say that I felt a much deeper connection to the temples of Bagan. There was something about the simplicity of the architecture and the peacefulness of the setting that really spoke to me on a spiritual level.

Overall, I had an amazing time in both Angkor Wat and Bagan, but if I had to choose one, I would definitely say that Bagan is the better of the two.”