A Struggle Against Tyranny

"My Myanmar trip helped me more deeply appreciate that democracy is an ideal for which many people have fought for generations and given their lives for. Individuals are now involved in a daily struggle against tyranny."

These were the words of Sue in the episode "Gratitude and Growth," the third show in our ongoing series, Love Letters To Myanmar. For those people like Sue who have spent most of their time in a free society, and who are now supporting the resistance movement in Myanmar, the current struggle for freedom is something they very much take to heart. There is certainly a privilege that comes when basic safety and rights are guaranteed, and the loss of these freedoms and the rise of a terror state is what characterizes the current struggle now going on within Myanmar. These are valuable reminders to keep in mind for those of us doing what we can to support the Burmese people find their freedom and reject the military attempts at control.

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