September Release Schedule

Take a look at the September programming coming up from Insight Myanmar Podcast! To listen to these upcoming episodes, be sure to subscribe wherever you get your podcasts...

  • Episode #186: Christopher Win, a determined activist from the Maramagyi minority within Myanmar, stands tall as a beacon of hope for ethnic rights in a country marked by an ethnically patriarchal system. Despite facing discrimination and marginalization, he advocates for unity among smaller ethnic groups to secure their rights through a new federal charter, harnessing the newfound awareness of ethnic struggles in the wake of the military coup. (Sept. 1)

  • Episode #187: Guillaume de Langre paints a grim picture of Myanmar's energy crisis, a web of mismanagement and neglect that now plagues the nation, causing widespread disruptions, economic turmoil, and lost opportunities. He emphasizes the urgent need for a transition to renewable energy sources and the importance of rebuilding investor trust for the country's future, all while lamenting the colossal opportunity cost of this ongoing tragedy on Myanmar's development and regional stability. (Sept. 5)

  • Episode #188: Min Ma Naing's accidental journey from a park in Hong Kong to the forefront of Myanmar's visual storytelling is a testament to her resilience and unwavering commitment to amplifying the voices of the overlooked. Through her lens, she paints a vivid portrait of diverse human experiences, from the religious tensions in Meiktila to the intimate struggles of failed relationships, and ultimately, the fiery spirit of a people's revolution against oppression, all while grappling with the privilege of safety in exile and the healing power of her own artistry. (Sept. 12)

  • Episode #189: In her role as the NUG Representative in France, Nan Su Mon Aung fearlessly champions the cause of Myanmar, working tirelessly to bridge the gap between her homeland and the French society, all the while emphasizing the global implications of their struggle, and with an unwavering belief that as long as hope fuels their revolution, victory is not just a distant dream but an imminent reality. (Sept. 15)

  • Episode #190: A carefree Australian surfer, Grahame White's destiny took an exhilarating turn when he stumbled upon Hermann Hesse's "Siddhartha." Inspired by a simple line in the text, he embarked on a transformative journey into Buddhist meditation, eventually ordaining as a monk in Bodhgaya and encountering luminaries like S.N. Goenka and Joseph Goldstein in the vibrant spiritual tapestry of India, yet ultimately choosing the path of Mahasi meditation and becoming a teacher himself, a tale of spiritual evolution. (Sept. 19)

  • Episode #191: Myra Dahgaypaw's extraordinary journey, born in a Karen State camp for internally displaced persons and escaping violence her entire life, has transformed her into a fearless advocate for freedom, demanding urgent international intervention in the ongoing crisis in Burma. (Sept. 26)

  • Bonus: Rocklaz Radio with Tanmay Shah: An interview with the founder of Insight Myanmar Podcast and Better Burma nonprofit, along with Trish, who runs Bamama Cooks in Chiang Mai. (Sept. 29)

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