Htein Lin: Transform Yourself Into Artwork

What a beautiful expression by Htein Lin on how to turn yourself into a piece/peace of art! As someone who lived through unspeakable circumstances while not only surviving but also maintaining his humanity, he has so much to offer on the intersection between freedom, meditation, and art. Take a listen to his full interview to hear more.

“So, that’s why if you are living in the present without reacting, without anger, and share in anything negative, sharing with loving-kindness and compassion, then you become a very beautiful piece of art! Because our daily life has gotten so crowded. I look around everywhere, people need tranquility, and they need to calm down. So, if you could do that in your daily life, by just being ‘peace art,’ you don’t need to do something different. Because the artists are always suffering to do something edgy, to be creative, something new and critique-able and bright. So, this is the challenge of the artists’ community, to do that. So, if you are trying to do that, trying to get to peace and loving-kindness, harmony with others, you are all the time engaged in artwork for the society.”

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