"Under the Great Ice Sheet" by Maung Yu Py

In our recent episode, “Courage in Chinland”, we feature a poem reading by Maung Yu Py prior to the main interview with Mark from Kalay. The poet had attended the famous International Writers’ Program sponsored by the University of Iowa, and his talent more than shows in these verses below. Unfortunately, like so many Burmese youth, and especially those artists, the military has shown brutality and cruelty. It is reported that Maung Yu Py was severely beaten and is now facing a two-year sentence. To make matters worse, the Tatmadaw has also gone after his lawyer as well, and jailed him alongside.

The poem itself refers to a country that has been frozen in time. In an interview with The Irrawaddy, he explains the meaning as follows:

My inspiration came from a science fiction film. I wrote the poem so you can get multiple meanings from it. I wanted to talk about a circle of being and ceasing to be, of a race, of a world. Our existence and our multi-racial history are laced with incidents of systematically oppressing one another, one on top of another. At the same time, we are collectively pressed down by a giant ice sheet. And that ice sheet is yet underneath a greater ice sheet. An iceberg is our half-dead existence. The poem made it past the censorboard, because the censors were only concentrating on political jargon and certain key words they had identified as posing a threat to the regime. They probably thought it’s only science fiction.

“Under the great ice sheet

A great country has been buried alive

Under the great country

A great church where God no longer shelters.

Under the great church

The great wars, welded together six feet under.

Under the great wars

A great museum of culture, dilapidated and yellowing.

Under the great museum

Banknotes without currency.

Under the banknotes

Slaves with protruding bones and sunken eyes.

Under the slavery

A Stone Age cave sealed by stones.

Under the Stone Age

Regressive evolution.

Under the evolution

The ocean—the mother of Mother Earth—who died in labour.

Under the ocean

A great ice sheet, unanticipated.

Under the great ice sheet…”

(Translated by ko ko thett and James Byrne)





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ဘယ်သူမှ မထင်မှတ်ထားတဲ့ ရေခဲပြင်ကြီးတစ်ခု

ရေခဲပြင်ကြီးတစ်ခုအောက်မှာ . . . . .