Lend Your Voice!

Recently we shared an exciting update about a small team modeling a defection campaign based on the work of the legendary Hanoi Hannah in the Vietnam War. As explained, this team is producing short audio tracks, each armed with different messages of defection, encouraging soldiers and police to disobey orders and stop killing innocents. Here is an example of one such message:

We are so enamored with their project that we want to bring the authenticity and power of their audio to our Insight Myanmar Podcast. We will be starting every episode by playing the original audio, recorded in Burmese language, but want to make sure our English-language audience also understands the meaning. For this reason, we are looking for people to read the translated texts of these defection messages. These will be placed over the background files this team has already produced, and then be played side by side the original Burmese.

So if you have a good microphone at home, and are willing to lend two minutes of your voice in reading these messages, please get in touch with us! We are looking for a range of voices, including native as well as non-native speakers, from different backgrounds, young and old, male and female.

Hope to “hear” from you soon!