"We Shine Against the Darkness."

Thiri is not just a journalist, activist, humanitarian, fixer, and documentarian… she is also an artist. In my interview with her, she tells us how continues to support the democracy movement despite the risks. However in addition to this selfless and courageous action, she also continues her artistic work, which depicts her inner emotional life through creative expression. She especially enjoys the use of calligraphy, and gives us the story behind the following piece.

“The background is black, as it represents the uncertain and dark days we are in. Yet, the white letters stand out: We shine against the darkness. Our loving kindness, unity support, and protection among people shine against those darkness.

The plants and flowers are dedicated to each person who are part of the revolution. Small plants, herbs and flowers are soft, yet they push through the hard ground… they resist. Once they are on the ground, they are flowing with the wind, yet their roots are firm.

In this movement , we are unarmed peaceful citizens resisting against well-trained armed men. Just like how plants and flowers push out of the hard soil for them to grow. The movement has been developing overtime: from creative protest and now the revolution part is beginning.

Our creativity, innovation and intelligence are like those dancing plants flowers. It’s our way of survival and sustainability. Yet, we have firm beliefs, values and hope.

This is our revolution!

Not only the Revolution against the military dictatorship, against oppression, racism, homophobia, patriarchy, hypocrisy, and class discrimination.

We are revolting against the conservative norms, beliefs and mistakes that our elders have upheld for far too long. We need to acknowledge our past mistakes. In the new world that we are going build, flowers will be colorful, and society will be inclusive and diverse.

No assimilation!

I have been upset how our society failed to stand up for the injustices faced by Rohingya and other ethnic minorities. This revolution makes me proud of who we are again.”
