Help us Interview, and more!

Future podcast episodes will be focusing on the importance of CDM (Civil Disobedience Movement) in the current nonviolent movement. Our intention is not only to tell stories and inform people, however, but also to fundraise so that listeners can directly support the noble work that our guests are leading. As we have a way to send donations through local networks into the country, there are very tangible actions that those of us who care about this issue can take to do our part in supporting those who need our help most at this critical time. Some communities are just weeks away from bankruptcy of funds as as well as resources, and so any support we can provide at this time can allow them to continue their struggle for freedom.

This is a new direction for our platform, and we will serve it to the best of our ability. However, we are being stretched to our limit and urgently need help from those able to assist. These are the following ways you can support:

  • Increasing numbers of people engaged with CDM are asking to use our platform to share their voices with the wider world. However, we have no volunteer who is able to take on these interviews in a time zone closer to Myanmar, and so we are not able to handle the capacity. Given unpredictable internet shutdowns, and the fact that every interview can be a fundraiser in itself to inform people about the reality on the ground, we are hoping to offer a place on our platform for every voice that wants to share. If anyone can be active during the day or evening time in Myanmar, and is able to help us conduct interviews, this is a critical need at this time. Bonus if you have any experience in interviewing or recording equipment for doing so.

  • These CDM leaders will be sending photos, videos, and doing interviews. Anyone who has experience with multimedia and is able to transform our work in more compelling and dynamic ways will allow us to reach more donors.

  • Please continue to share our efforts within your own communities. Any support you can provide in spreading our platform and the fundraising opportunities will allow us to get funds to those who need it most at this time.

Shwe Lan Ga LayComment