Live from Myanmar: The Dhamma Perspective

We feel so privileged to have spoken to the American nun, Daw Viranani, currently at Chan Myay Myaing monastery in northern Yangon. Her talk about the power of practicing metta and mindfulness, throughout all imperfections and variations of Samsara, is a profound reminder to meditators everywhere. The interview has just been completed, and our volunteer team will rush to get it released as soon as possible.

Meditators around the world are feeling distraught, helpless, hopeless, and upset when hearing the recent news coming from Myanmar, a country that so many of us feel an everlasting debt of gratitude for how it has shaped our practice and transformed our lives. We are so profoundly fortunate for the time and courage of Daw Viranani in speaking to us and addressing this wider meditator community, bringing all of us into the reality that is unfolding within this place of practice.

The mainstream media covering the ongoing events in Myanmar often minimizes or completely leaves out the Dhamma perspective, which constitutes the living heart of the spiritual practice animating the Golden Land. We are dedicated to telling this story, yet only so far as guests feel safe to do so, given the situation. We hope that this informs and even inspires the meditator audience.

Stay tuned for updates, and please be in touch if you would like to recommend a guest who can speak with this Buddhist perspective in mind. And as always, we can only produce this content though donations, so please consider supporting our mission so we can expand our effort during this period.