A Call to Help

A call to help! The current situation in Myanmar is being covered from many angles this week, but rarely is the Dhamma perspective included.

As Daw Viranani shared with us yesterday: “The Dhamma is so central to this culture, and so not understood by the people who write about this place in the media from overseas. So all those sorts of things get reported from a vacuum of understanding about how incredibly important it is, for this whole culture. It's woven through the whole thing. And these implicit assumptions about how the practice affects one's life, aren't even understood, they're not part of the conversation."

We are now producing podcast interviews with Dhamma practitioners and teachers who have a connection to Myanmar and can discuss this essential aspect. These are longform interviews, sometimes an hour or two in length, so that we go beyond quick sound bytes and at the heart of their reflections. However, many listeners do not have the time to devote to hear them in full. Given the importance of this moment and the value of this perspective, we would like to incorporate excerpts of these interviews in short video clips, social media templates, or other forms, so that they can be heard, read, and consumed more widely.

If you have a background in the creative arts, particularly video editing or design, please send a message. This is a way to contribute at a moment when it is very much needed!