Support our show!

We'd like to take this time to thank our generous supporters who have already given. We simply could not continue to provide you with this content and information without the wonderful support and generous donors, listeners, and friends - like you.  Because these episodes are fully-funded by listeners, without your generosity and particularly the metta behind such generosity, we wouldn’t be able to continue producing these podcasts. So, we'd like to thank you up front for your continuing support. We welcome both one-time donations and monthly pledges, whether large donations of $100 or more, or smaller ones--$10, $5, even $1. every donation of any size is greatly appreciated. It will mean so much to us of course, but we hope to YOU to as well, to help us make merit by providing access to the voices of our Dhamma community from every aspect of Myanmar, to more and more listeners like you. Every meritorious donation helps towards access to one more voice, one more perspective. We greatly appreciate your generosity and of course, we share our merits with all of you. Thank you

If you find the Dhamma interviews we are sharing of value and would like to support our mission, we welcome your contribution. You may give via Patreon or PayPal. If you are in Myanmar and would like to give a cash donation, please feel free to get in touch with us.

Joah McGeeDonation