Buddhist Video Games

This cartoon was shared on JMP's page, however as the drawing style is quite different from his normal images, it is uncertain if it is an original sketch by him, or just something he's sharing on his page. In any case, we see a young man playing games on his computer, and his mother comes to scold him, saying, "Instead of playing these video games, you should instead play the game I'm playing!"

Then, in the lower image, we get a glimpse of this "game" the mother is supposedly playing, which include a number of Buddhist practices the woman needs to perform daily. This includes such things as chanting and making offerings to a Buddha image. Thus, through this image, the cartoonist is criticizing the mindset of some Burmese Buddhists whose spiritual practice is seen as simply following a set of religious rules in hopes of being rewarded with good karma in this life, a better rebirth, or possibly even some attainment. This follows the criticism we've seen in other of his cartoons, in which he attacks the pervading Burmese Buddhist rituals for having lost the essence of the Buddha's teachings, and having replaced them with an empty shell of superficial religious customs.

While there is some value in seeing this criticism from an insider, my own take on it remains consistent with past images. Although it can be meaningful to express concern about those that try to replace a deeper, transformative experience with a mere checklist, this criticism lacks a certain kind of nuance. Because for some practitioners, these tasks are not meant to replace a spiritual life, but support it, as the mental volition that one brings to this devotion and service can develop wholesome states of mind.

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