Asaygan Fort Burma DhammaFebruary 25, 2015Asaygan Fort, Ayeyarwaddy, King Mindon, Mandalay, Sagaing, Sir Herbert Thirkell White, "A Civil Servant in Burma", crows, laser Comment
A Grave Risk to Future Disaster Burma DhammaFebruary 23, 2015Sir Herbert Thirkell White, "A Civil Servant in Burma", vegetarianComment
Ledi Sayadaw: "His fervour and fiery zeal effected real revival..." Burma DhammaJanuary 2, 2015Colonel Maxwell, Colonial Burma, Ledi Sayadaw, Sir Herbert Thirkell White, "A Civil Servant in Burma", alcohol, dhamma talk, opiumComment
"Falser than the Roman's conception of Britain..." Burma DhammaDecember 29, 2014Colonial Burma, Sir Herbert Thirkell White, "A Civil Servant in Burma"Comment