Posts tagged " Bhikkhu Cintita
"As a Meditator in Burma, Should I Bow before Buddha Statues?"
Burma DhammaDr. Asabha, J. George Scott, Maha Gandayone, Muslim, Prekhemma Monastery, S.N. Goenka, Sayagyi U Ba Khin, Shwe Oo Min Monastery, U Sarana, U Sunanda, U Tejaniya, Venerable Rekkhita, " Bhikkhu Cintita, relics
The Timeless Rhythms of Burmese Village Life
The Bye Bye Sayadaw
Burma DhammaBaw Ba Tant Caves, Eugene, Italy, Japanese, Ledi Sayadaw, Mahasi, Mogok Monastery, Oregon, Pa Auk, Pali, U Nyanadhaja, U Lawkanatha, Webula Hills, " Bhikkhu Cintita
"The Dog Barks at the Man on the Elephant"
An American monk bringing Burmese Dhamma to the US
"Through the Looking Glass"
Burma DhammaJohn Dinsmore, Russia, Sagaing, Sayadaw U Nyanissara, Sitagu Academy, United States, Zen, " Bhikkhu Cintita, "Through the Looking Glass, foreign monks, ordination