Reflections on a Monk's Assassination

On May 12, 2024, a revered monk known for his advocacy and peaceful teachings was shot dead. The incident, which took place in broad daylight, highlights the ongoing violence and turmoil in the region. In response, Sitagu Sayadaw urged forgiveness, emphasizing the need for the Burmese people to immediately forgive the brutality of the regime. This assassination (and the immediate response) underscores the dire situation in Myanmar, where even monastic figures are not spared from the conflict's violence​. Recently Min Ko Naing spoke about this incident, answering several questions ,which a volunteer has translated into English so that more people may be able to access his words.

For those who don’t know Min Ko Naing, he was born Paw Oo Tun, and is a prominent Burmese democracy activist and one of the most influential student leaders in Myanmar. Known for his role in the 1988 pro-democracy uprising, he has spent many years in prison for his activism against the military regime. His pseudonym, meaning "Conqueror of Kings," reflects his commitment to fighting for democratic reforms. Despite severe repression, Min Ko Naing has continued to be a vocal advocate for human rights and democracy, earning international recognition for his courage and resilience in the face of authoritarian rule. Min Ko Naing's Buddhist background and meditation practice are integral to his activism and personal resilience. Growing up in a devout Buddhist family, he was deeply influenced by Buddhist teachings on compassion, mindfulness, and non-violence. During his long periods of imprisonment, he relied heavily on meditation to maintain his mental strength and inner peace. This practice helped him endure solitary confinement and harsh treatment without losing hope or spirit. Min Ko Naing often speaks about how Buddhist principles guide his commitment to justice and democracy, emphasizing the role of meditation in fostering a calm and focused mind, essential for enduring long-term struggles.

Q1. Concerning the case of the Pegu Sayadaw’s death by shooting. The military were unable to argue that they didn’t do it and all their lies to cover it up were revealed like a gourd floating to the surface of the water. What is your opinion about this?

This shows that when a person who has virtue and speaks the truth even a military with weapons will have to retreat. Let’s all take a look at this. The wounded monk was interrogated 5 times in a day afterwards. His head had been cut from the broken glass and they didn’t even let him get medical attention! And that is after they shot at them illegally, and this other monk had just barely escaped death, and then they interrogated him and treated him like he was the transgressor! The area commander ordered this to happen. But this monk who had virtue, well, that protected him from death, and when questioned he did not say what they wanted him to say, but rather he spoke the truth. Even though they tried to scare him, he wasn’t scared, even though they tried to bribe him with gifts, he wouldn’t lie. This is really the highest virtue he displayed! That whole day the people of the world held their breath waiting for news, and after this person spoke the truth, the army was defeated and had to retreat. This is a historical event that should be recorded in history books and that everyone should learn about. This is a really valuable lesson in history.

Q2. Now with this apology, well, it’s is like honey for an emetic. Do you think this situation will end just with this apology?

A2. With such a serious incident and case, the regime, what do they do, but they hire a messenger to read a statement! Is this really an apology? We need to examine this. By riding in a civilian car, not flying a Buddhist flag, well, when they say that, is that blaming others or is it really an apology? Are they giving an order to monks on how to travel, in the future? This really needs investigation! Are they saying that ordinary people will continue to be shot because if they just have a suspicion?! We see that just after this, an ambulance was shot and a monk was killed in that incident! With all these incidents why is it happening? On one side they have given permission to just do whatever they want. That part at least is very clear. Up until now they have not made even one statement that what they did was actually wrong! They want to say that their shooting of someone was actually correct! That is why they say they didn’t put down their windows, they didn’t put up a flag. They are saying it is regrettable but they won’t admit that they have transgressed. There are so many other things that they need to admit to, especially that they tried to attribute their transgression onto the PDF and blame them. Are they going to apologize for accusing the PDFs of doing this crime? With a real intention to use this incident to make the world think badly about the PDFs, they made that accusation and announced it on the news. Did they apologize for that or say they are sorry for that? Because of these types of behavior it is way past time that they should have the monks perform pattanikkujjana karma on them.

Q3.  Now the Sayadaws and monks have enacted the overturning of the bowl legal action. Concerning that, what do you think will happen?

That is the right of the Buddhist monks to do a monastic legal action like that, and it has been allowed since the time of the Buddha. So just by paying someone to go and read an apology and cover up a fault is not enough, and all the monks know it! This one monk, by speaking truth, has shown to the world and overturned the lies of the junta, and so how will the monks believe their apology is sincere? Therefore, they have to make it clear that because of this fault, ‘we will not accept your alms food to eat. We won’t talk to you or associate with you.’ And then, can we guarantee that the junta will not retaliate against these monks and attack them? Will they announce that the monks have the right to do this legal action? That is the question that arises. Right now, the people are upset about the continued illegal actions and oppression of the junta. So it is not easy to just say this problem is connected to Buddhism. Rather, this concerns all the people of the nation who have been affected. For the monks though, they have to do what is correct and what is their duties as a monk tells them, and do what is according to those beliefs. The people have to do what they can to protect themselves from these transgressions. When you think about the complete view about it then any person whatsoever at any time or in any place can lose their life, possessions, and property. Any person whatsoeve! For example, right now just look how they are detaining and investigating the oil and rice merchants and if they are trying to dictate the prices, and if they have more than 100 bags of rice they will seize them and then they are checking all the general stores and sellers and eventually they will be investigating the betel nut sellers stalls and seizing them. This is another way that they oppress and rob the people. All of this is the army trying to defeat the people. It is really clear that they are and will continue to commit these actions.

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