A nightmare in reality

This is a continuing story from Myanmar Now covering the massacre in Mon Taing Bin village.

When the military left Mon Taing Bin village, three monks from the monastery were captured and taken along with them. It can only be confirmed yet that the name of one of the monks is Ven. Kheminda. According to the residing monk of the monastery in the urban area of Ye U, where these three monks were taken when the troops that committed to raid Mon Taing Bin village arrived in the town. The said monk talked, “A man wearing in a civilian’s clothes brought them (the said three monks) here. No guards along. He just went back after taking them here.”

The said residing monk continued, “Five days later, these three monks were taken again by some military officers to a monastery in Nay Pyi Taw where Ven. Kheminda’s brother was residing.” He said, “On that day, they came and paid worship. Those monks were offered for their travel expense. Maybe Majors. They came paid worship and the monks were brought to Shwebo first by their car.”

The village is located near the bank of Mu River, and residents are saying that they faced this frightening nightmare of the murder in a group of people due to the lack of weapons to defense themselves. They are now willing to demand the National Unity Government (NUG) for supplying them with the weapons. A villager of Mon Taing Bin village said, “What I want to say is that NUG can support the known resistance forces but not for the locals yet. Those who have got suffered from these crimes (committed by the military as they want) are locals! Us!” Due to the lack of the weapons, the local people are suffering and hence they demand for a supply of weapons to defense themselves.

It was also a big nightmare for Daw Thin Kyi who lost her husband in this murder. She said that she never expected such terrible experience in her life. She also requested (NUG) to supply the local people with weapons and continued that these nightmares such as Mon Taing Bin murder have come about due to the power craziness of the generals and they are worried about the next likely campaigns by the demons.

She claimed, “If someone asks me if I hate such brutal military, I will surely teach my children to hate just if they hear the word ‘military’.”

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