In Sagaing, "We don't have anything left to lose..."

Interview with a local villager from Nantchaung, which was set on fire 3 times by Junta forces (Maung Gyi/ People’s Spring)

On April 11, SAC Junta forces set fire to Natchaung village third time. From December, 2021 to April 11, 2022, Natchanug village, which has about 2000 homes with population that relatively enjoys comfortable living, and are broad-minded politically, has been attacked by Junta forces by air and by ground, killing at least 30 unarmed people, including elderly and women.  At the latest arson attack on April 11, at least 150 homes were torched and destroyed.  We (People’s Spring) interviewed one of the Natchaung villagers who experienced such repeated atrocities committed by Junta forces.


Q:  Why do you think SAC junta forces are assaulting the village in such ruthless manner?

A: Two things: First, geographically, Natchaung village is one of the gateways to Chin state.  Through our village, one can reach Chin state easily.  Also, if you travel south, there are Kalay-Gangaw and Kalay-Phalan access. We are an important intersection on the path.  Besides, our village supports PDF wholeheartedly.  Historically, pro-military parties had never won any election here.  Even back in 2010 before Daw Aung Sun Su Kyi competed in the election, we voted for parties other than USDP [the Tatmadaw’s political arm].  Natchaung village is big in size and financially stable and solid, and therefore we are aggressive in making our voices heard.  In the beginning of the armed revolution, we built barricades obstructing the Kalay-Gangaw road between Natchaung and Natmyaung village.  Even before countrywide armed confrontation, we were the first to fight the junta forces with TuMee rifles, which caused military to suffer high casualties, divert their intended course, and hide in the nearby forest for their safety.  Junta military helicopter came to rescue their soldiers at the end.  Moreover, our village has strong resistance forces (Pa-Ka-Pha) besides PDF, and therefore we are a force to reckon with.


Q: How motivated and determined are the PDF youth in this region to revolt against the SAC military?

A: To the extent that if one is not in the revolution against SAC, then he/she becomes a useless person among us.  We disassociate with that person.  There are fathers who bring meals to their sons who are attending PDF training.  In some cases, fathers fight along with their sons even.


Q:  It is so sad to see the scene of Natchaung villagers watching their homes being burned from afar.  How do the local villagers feel after experiencing brutal oppressions repeatedly?

A: Our village has been a stronghold against military.  What they did to our village pushed us against them even further.  Their actions are not the way toward reconciliation.  Even side-liners joined forces with us when they got offended too.  People who were initially inclined to side with the military are now shifted after losing their properties and belongings. In the beginning, we avoided confrontation.  The parents of PDFs and the villagers forbid the youth to engage even when we were attacked by the junta battalions from both sides, one from Kalay and one from Gangaw.  Though PDFs listened to our request not to enter into the confrontation in the beginning, after junta soldiers set fires to the village without any reason, they decided to fight back.  We have nothing to lose.  We wouldn’t mind if our entire village burned down, if we were going to defeat them and win.  We don’t care which house get hit.  We will rebuild from scratch.  If we have had the heavy artillery, we would have fired the junta forces which are stationed in the village no matter the houses of whom-so-ever get destroyed.


Q:  Does this resolution represent the whole village?

A:  Yes, it does.  Even I am one of the soft-hearted type of individuals.  As you know, country people are very emotional.  Today (April 11, 2022), we lost over 100 houses in the fire already.  But, If we could kill them, then we are pleased regardless. This is how we feel now.


Q:  As a local, what would be your most agonizing thing you experience after Junta forces have attacked Natchaung village with airstrikes, set fires, and killed innocent villagers, since last December, and today burning down many more houses?

A:  The most painful memory is the day when they first advanced into the village with military convoy, and looted mom & pop shops, phone stores, and hard-eared savings of farmers, filling up into their trucks and drove away. They basically intimidated us and threatened our lives if we continue! We greatly suffered the inhumanity and indignities of pillage and plunder. It got worse later but that was the first shock we all experienced.


Q:  Sagaing region is known to have the strongest resistance forces against the military junta, and at the same time, it is being assaulted most greatly by the junta forces.  How are the people of Sagaing region are regarding the military?

A:  There is no option for reconciliation now.  No matter how long it takes, Sagaing region’s resistance forces could destabilize the military.  Another point is that the military leaders of SAC (State Administration Council) do not understand the people they are trying to govern. They only want to mold us forcefully into being subservient to their rules using weapons. What they don’t know is that we are way ahead of them. Their worse failure is the fact that they don’t have a clue what the people actually want.  They accused us of being NLD supporters when we don’t agree with them.  I love Daw Aung Sun Kyi (our beloved mother), but at this time, I don’t have NLD in my head.  We are not fighting the military junta because we are NLD supporters nor because we are tricked into revolution.  If they say that we are revolting against military junta without our own conviction and decision, and merely because NLD deceives us, then it is like we are being insulted twice.  The Junta leaders with narrow mindsets are relying on the weapons they have to forcefully shape us into being subservient, without having broader vision for the country and understanding the need of the citizens.  When the people’s vision for the future is toward development and growth, which is different compared to theirs, there is no compatibility.  That is the reason for the current situation.


Q:  As a citizen, what would you like to say to NUG?

As for NUG, we’d ask them to try to meet our operational needs in the field.  Even if they can’t provide weapons as of yet, at least they should try to help build stronger unity among us.  With complete transparency and open mind, listen to our voices and keep us informed.  Then, they could find ways to settle the discrepancies among the various groups.  The main thing is to meet regularly and be open and transparent, like a real revolutionary government.  Equip us with necessary weapons.  We, the people are ever ready.

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