A Voice from Inside: 'The Lady is Back?'"

A trusted source has asked that the following post be published here, with no changes to the text. Due to safety concerns, it is being shared anonymously.

'“Not more than 1 hour ago it was announced through attorneys representing Daw Aung San Suu Kyi that she no longer has any money available to her with which to purchase food and medicine for herself and 8 others now being detained along with her at an undisclosed location. While the Military has offered to provide her and her fellow detainees with the money to purchase such necessities, she has steadfastly refused to accept anything from the Junta. Instead, she has once again taken a stance reminiscent of her time, not as a politician, but rather as the revolutionary of the People we fell in love with when she burst upon the scene in 1988. According to reports, during her court appearance earlier today she stated that she would not accept food, medicine or money from the Junta for either herself or the 8 others now held alongside her. Instead, she has requested from her lawyers that they seek permission from the illegitimate and murderous regime that now incarcerates her and thousands of others to allow the people through her lawyers to provide her with the money necessary to purchase medicine and food for herself and the 8 others with her. There can be no doubt that if the Lady is refused, there looms on the horizon a massive hunger strike not just by the detainees but the people of Myanmar as well. I will certainly be one small voice joining them.

It is touching to note that one of the first to respond to this announcement was a trishaw driver who stated that he has 30,000 MM Kyat (19.00 USD) which he has saved and he would like nothing more than the opportunity to donate it to the 9 prisoners.”

Translation by CW