Myanmar Journal: The Academy Award Goes To....

“Yesterday, I saw what I believe was one of the best videos I have seen since the coup began on February 1st. Before explaining, give me a moment to first provide some background.

In the first month of the coup, many millions took to the streets to express there utter disdain for the takeover by the military thugs. This happened not once, or twice, but day after day after day for more than a month. At first, protestors were subjected to severe beatings in the streets but still they came back out each and every day. Later, the Junta’s brutality evolved into arrests, kidnapping, torture and tear gas to quell the uprising of millions. Still the people came out! Then, the punishment meted out by increased exponentially to murder, including the horrific act of killing children, throwing the bodies of wounded protestors onto fires until they died in a hellish way, unspeakable torture, gang rape and so many other atrocities. All, I should mention, on video tape for the world to see. And when all of that was not enough to shut down the protests the murderers then turned to the use of rocket propelled grenades, hand grenades as well as other explosives, mortar fire, tanks, at jet bombers. But still at least some of the protestors find ways to demonstrate. Even with the announcement several days ago of two memos leaked to a national newspaper from the highest levels of the military ordering its Generals to annihilate the rioters (the military’s euphemism for protestors), they still they find a way to come out and let their feelings be known. By far the bravest protestors I have ever seen in action even at the risk of being shot and killed. Men and women alike….

So that is the background and now to the award winning video which I was told nothing about in advance but rather just hit the play button. The footage begins with a camera taping what by all appearances is a typical urban road in the area. People are walking up and down the sidewalk, some waiting in line at a shop and some just window shopping. There is nothing at all unusual and certainly not a thing that catches your attention. Then, in a flash, someone runs to the middle of the road and is jogging in place. A split second later and from the other side of the road another jumps to the idle of the road also jogging in place. And then another and another and another and before you can even get close to processing what is taking place the road is filled with people and I was just left wondering what the heck was going on.

Then like a school of fish in the water they start jogging to the left of camera view where they come to an intersection and from each side of the intersection scores of people come flooding into the main road and beyond the intersection further down the main road hundreds more are coming and before you know it, like the school of fish they all abruptly turn in unison and at a slow jog head back down the main road. And then out of nowhere they are waving flags and 8’ high by 12’ long vinyl protest banners and before you can wrap your mind around that you see more signs being pulled out of backpacks and handbags as they jog and just as quickly being displayed and because so many things are happening at lightening speed it is difficult for the mind to make sense of what is unravelling before your eyes. And in just another split second the people are surrounded by black shirted persons moving them along and directing them down the road and then suddenly the camera catches the apartments that line each side of the road and from the balconies above you see people clapping and it is only then that that you realize that you have been watching an amazing demonstration begin as the protestors head further down the road when the camera shuts off.

What a performance!! It was just like watching a magicians illusion take place and while you are looking in one direction the real action is off in the other direction and when you look there the action is taking place somewhere else altogether. My gosh……..15 seconds ago it was just people walking and standing along the road and it evolved so quickly your mind could just not catch up with it. People appearing out of thin air, black shirts magically materializing, large banners and flags being unfurled and deployed from nowhere. It was just breathtaking and far better than any illusion I have ever watched.

Minutes after they cleared the initial road we were told that they want up and down adjacent streets and it was not until 15 minutes later that any soldiers arrived at which time the hundreds of demonstrators took off in all directions and as far as we know they police and soldiers were unable to make a single arrest. A feat that is next to impossible these days given the fact that police and soldiers are stationed everywhere and it is nearly impossible to assemble a group of 5 people before the soldiers are on you. We later were able to see similar videos of other protests that materialized in much the same way in many areas nearby.

So, in my opinion, this should win the Academy Award for the Best Picture of the year if for no other reason than the unbelievable choreography. Generation Z, you’re simply the best! Thank you soooo much.

POST NOTE: Just as I finished writing the above, I went out to our balcony to look around and as I do I notice someone I recognize milling about at one end of our street and I suddenly have a feeling something is going on. I then turn my attention to the other end of the street and notice a couple people standing in front of a food vendor and something about their posture also catches my attention. Next, I can hear people coming out of one of the safehouses below us but they are outside my field of vision. Then, from the top of the street, I see a figure walking toward my way whom I definitely recognize from far off as the one I fondly refer to as ‘the Mouse’ who has been very active in our quarter from the beginning and one of the few who has not been arrested or fled. I love watching him because just like a mouse his feet are always moving and by moving his eyes left to right without turning his head he just reminds me of a mouse. He also goes to the safehouse next to me and from my balcony I can only see his shoulder. Then, from the apartment immediately next to ours I see the Leader of our Quarter come out and he stands in front of the safehouse as well. It is now obvious what is taking place. It has become very dangerous for them to have meetings because too often police and soldiers are somehow drawn to where they are. So now, what they have decided, is that it is safer for them to have their meetings outside where they can have security posted far enough away so that if soldiers arrive there will be sufficient time for them to take cover rather than being trapped in an apartment or on a rooftop. After 15 minutes the meeting is over and everyone has just disappeared.”

This ongoing thread is being written by a vipassana meditator from the tradition of S.N. Goenka who is currently in Myanmar, who has played a pivotal role in the organization’s mission. For his safety, personal details have been obscured, but he has made it his desire that his observations be read by meditators everywhere. Please note that we are able to ensure donations reach this person as well as the community he is supporting.