"These actions by the military are not the Buddhist path."

Yesterday, Radio Free Asia published an article based on an interview with a senior monk, in which they ask him the essential question on so many meditators’ minds these days: how can any of these beacons of renunciation even consider supporting the murderous regime of Min Aung Hlaing? How are they regarding a military organization which is claiming to “protect” Buddhism, when they are actually doing more to destroy the faith than any other threat? Following is a translation of one excerpt of the conversation, and the entire video (in Burmese) appears below.

These famous monks in Myanmar are acting corruptly and embarrassing the nation by their association with these evil military.
— Ashin Min Thunya

Intro: While the people are experiencing more severe oppression from the military junta, there are still monks associating with the highest levels of military leadership. As a result, lay supporters are critically looking at this involvement and questioning how such support can continue to exist. How should Buddhists think about these actions of these Sangha? Concerning this, RFA correspondent U Khin Maung Soe (KMS) spoke to Ashin Min Thunya about this.

KMS: In the last few days, there has been loud and widespread criticism among the lay people of these famous Sangha members who appear to be working together with the military junta. It is causing a lot of disappointment and concern to the people. Venerable Sir, what have you heard about this and what is your view and opinion on this?

Ashin: Concerning this situation of the famous monks, it is certainly, as we all know, a reason for concern. Why do I say this? Today these dictators and wrong-acting soldiers have run away from the Buddha’s path and practice, and they have arrived at a very worrying state that should be not associated with or be close to, by anyone! They have the full characteristic of immoral fools, by killing and torturing people, by stealing power illegally, by destroying whatever property they find of others. Knowing that these are people who are not suitable to be associated with or be together with, yet we see monks like Thilakhanda do a pagoda umbrella consecration or the MaBaTha leader U Tiloka praise Min Aung Hlaing as a supporter of the Sasana! Or Sitagu Sayadaw, during the period of the Rains Retreat [when monks are forbidden by monastic discipline to travel] accompanies the Deputy leader of the SAC General Soe Myint to Russia! And we see them residing in a monastery built by the military. By openly showing how they are traveling together with these army leaders and staying with them, it shows that they are also supportive of the unwholesome actions of the military. When we consider this in the light of the Buddha’s teachings, we see them encouraging evil actions and evil overall, and I can’t accept that as being correct. I oppose it. I criticize it. I am against it. My opinion is that they should stop this.

KMS: How should the new generation seeing this continue to have faith in Buddhism?

Ashin: These days we see these corrupt monks from MaBaTha organizing and taking part in rallies in support of the military. Then the youth of the nation see this, and they think their own religion is not very good. Some even think of changing religions entirely. Why should they support a religion if it is of no benefit to them? Young people report such things to me, but I have to tell them that these actions by the military are not the Buddhist path. They are wrong actions. These are the actions of corrupt people and not the Buddha’s path.

KMS: How do you think the international community look at this?

Ashjn: When I look at it from the perspective of the International community, I see it as an embarrassment to the nation. They see a nation which has over 80% Buddhist population and over 350,000 to 400,000 monks. And yet, here are these monks giving support and encouragement to actions which are against Buddhist principles! In the Japanese media they ask, “Why don’t the monks say anything about this and not tell them to stop it?” The way these monks ignore these issues is a real embarrassment! For instance South Korea, a Mahayana Buddhist nation, and since the beginning of these problems in Myanmar these monks and lay meditators have done ceremonies to pray for the people of Myanmar and made statements and efforts to stop these transgressions by the Myanmar military. Korean monks have given assistance to the Burmese community and made statements against the military junta’s oppression. Even the Catholic pope has made statements to the media encouraging the Burmese military to stop human rights abuses towards the people of Myanmar! So you can see these responses by the international groups, but these famous monks in Myanmar are acting corruptly and embarrassing the nation by their association with these evil military.

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