Chan Myay Myaing Monastery Metta Chanting

The following message is from Chan Myay Myaing Monastery in Burma:

The Mettā chanting gathering on Vesak that we had on the full moon day in May brought so much joy. It was such a lovely way to gather and really uplifting in these times. We thought that it would be a good idea to do this more often. Ayya Viranani and Ariya are happy to offer this auspicious possibility on every full moon day of year 2020 from June.

As we have a global community, a time that is suitable for everyone is not really possible. To give opportunity to all across different timezones, the times on each full moon day will alternate.

The time that is called EAST is most suitable for Eastern time zones, and the time we call WEST includes the far west, taking into account suitable times for both Ariya (CEST) and Ayya Viranani (YGN). Mettā chanting on full moon days in 2020.

The next Full moon day is Saturday 31st October. We will meet at WEST- time (16:00 CET).

Join Zoom Meeting 85656677390? pwd=a2xtSmhBdllpc3N1UVhFU G9HdUJwZz09

Meeting ID: 856 5667 7390 Passcode: metta

The zoom room opens 15 minutes before the start. Please be on time.