Shwe Lan Excerpt: Webu Sayadaw

From the Webu Sayadaw chapter...

"In interviews with people who were around Ingyinbin at the time of Webu Sayadaw, we have worked to reconstruct what a typical day may have looked like. It was said that Webu would wake up quite early and take his breakfast, and offer a symbolic plate of food to the Buddha statue. He would then tour his compound and provide instructions to the monks, nuns, and lay yogis and supporters that were staying there. He would start his alms round at either seven or eight in the morning (earlier for summer to avoid the scorching heat), which would usually last three to four hours given the quantity of food that was donated. After having lunch, he would give a discourse, and then find some time to do some sweeping. From noon until around four pm he would spend time alone in the San Kyaung building, often resting, meditating, and bathing. It was also during this time where he would receive visitors who had made the trek to Ingyinbin to pay respects to him. Between 4:30 and 5 pm he accepted offerings of medicine, jaggery, candy, and juice, and would also oversee the nuns’ retaking of sila. He would give another dhamma talk in the evening, this one to many more people who would gather in the main dhamma hall. He would again retreat in solitude, where it was widely believed he would continue his teachings to invisible beings."

Webu Sayadaw chapter in "Shwe Lan Ga Lay"