SN Goenka pays respects to Shwe Oo Min Sayadaw

The following photographs are from what is believed to be the year 2000, and feature SN Goenka visiting the Shwe Oo Min monastery to pay his respects to the Sayadaw in Yangon, Myanmar. The Shwe Oo Min Sayadaw was considered by many to be an arahant, e.g. a fully enlightened being. It is also reported that at the time, U Goenka told those of his meditation students wishing to ordain as monks that Shwe Oo Min was a conducive place for continuing their practice. In a commemorative book after the Sayadaw passed, one page also honored the special relationship that Goenkaji enjoyed with him.

As a note, the original Shwe Oo Min Sayadaw (featured in the photos below) passed away in 2003 and the monastery is now presided over by Sayadaw U Tejaniya.

SN Goenka visits the Shwe Oo Min Monastery 
SN Goenka visits the Shwe Oo Min Monastery

SN Goenka pays respect to Shwe Oo Min Saydaw

SN Goenka pays respect to Shwe Oo Min Sayadaw

SN Goenka speaks to assembled guests at Shwe Oo Min monastery in Yangon, Myanmar