Nourishing Hope: Food and Care for the Forgotten

Our humanitarian arm is focusing attention on the great needs of vulnerable children who have been caught up in the ongoing conflict in Burma. We have been able to send funds to support the Mon State Federal Council of Humanitarian and Rescue Department, which has been doing stellar work in providing care for those young ones in harm way. While we have been able to support part of their needs through our allocation, there continues to be pressing needs that we hope to support in full. Please read their following message and consider a contribution of any amount to join our mission in helping those children now in need!

We are writing to draw your attention to the critical situation faced by children in the Mon and Tavoy liberated areas, as well as parts of the Karen and Tanintaryi divisions. These regions have been severely impacted by ongoing conflicts, leaving children vulnerable and in desperate need of assistance. Over the past five years, children in these areas have not received any vaccinations, leaving them susceptible to preventable diseases. Pregnant adolescents, some as young as under 18, face significant risks due to a lack of confident medical professionals to assist with deliveries. The nutritional status of children is also alarming; after the age of two, many mothers are unable to continue breastfeeding due to inadequate nutrition, forcing them to feed their children boiled rice and sour soup, which leads to severe malnutrition. Additionally, many children have no access to education, depriving them of critical learning opportunities and future prospects. The ongoing conflict has exacerbated these issues, particularly for children living in jungles and plantations in Mon, Tanintaryi, and Karen regions, where food supplies are often blocked by the junta, resulting in acute food shortages, including a lack of basic rice.

To address these urgent needs, the Mon State Federal Council of Humanitarian and Rescue Department, which has a robust network across Mon State and several townships in the Karen and Tanintaryi divisions, aims to implement vaccination programs to protect children from diseases, enhance maternal and child healthcare services, provide nutritional support to ensure balanced diets for children, supply educational resources and services, and deliver emergency food supplies to those affected by the conflict.

Your generous donation can make a significant impact on these vulnerable children's lives, offering them the care and support they desperately need. Please consider contributing to our cause and helping us bring hope and relief to these young lives during such challenging times. Your compassion and support are deeply appreciated.

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