Food for Displaced Karen Peoples

We received the following emergency funding appeal from a group that we are supporting, however we currently do not have enough donation funds on hand to cover the full extent of their request. Kindly take a moment to read their appeal, and consider a contribution of any size to help those villagers who are living on the run following Burmese military attacks.

We are seeking humanitarian assistance for Karen Villagers who are affected by the armed conflict and the most needed families. This includes a target population of 2,936 people, and we are hoping to support their survival needs for a 3 months period.

Due to the airstrikes and indiscriminate heavy long range artillery shelling into villages and farming areas by the SAC has caused more displacement. From 2021-23, over 82 airstrikes, injured 33 and killed 19 civilians, and over 3,884 artillery shelling injured 64 and killed 32 civilians in this district of Karen State.

Villagers have to live in constant fear, hiding in the jungle for their safety and unable to return home to do farming for their livelihood. The current Internally Displace People (IDP) number has reached to 600,000 in Kaw Thoo Lei, KNU’s administrative areas and in Mu Traw district alone is already 104,471. The ongoing violence and instability in the area have resulted in a significant impact on the lives of the affected communities, in ways that those of us living in stable societies can scarcely imagine.

Currently, 9 villages in Lower Lu Thaw township are in need of emergency assistant especially rice and salt. These villages have been particularly affected by both mortar shelling and airstrikes since 2021 when the State Administration Council (SAC) took control of Myanmar.

After we have acquired sufficient funds and then safely procured the food items, we have developed a delivery strategy that is designed to overcome the geographical challenges of remote regions, and also involves making use of river transportation.

We urgently appeal for your support in this crucial humanitarian endeavor. The Karen villagers are navigating the tumultuous waters of conflict, and their survival still hangs by a thread as we await further military action taking place in their region. Your donation can be the difference between despair and hope, between hunger and sustenance. As we strive to provide essential aid to the most vulnerable families over a critical 3-month period, your contribution will not only transform lives but also stand as a testament to the unwavering strength of human compassion. Join us in our mission to make a tangible impact in the lives of those who are facing unimaginable challenges. Your generosity can be the beacon of light these communities desperately need.

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