Uniting for Hope and Healing: Supporting Myanmar's Monastic Community

In the midst of the ongoing crisis in Myanmar, the monastic community has not been spared from the violence and unrest that has engulfed the country since the coup. Monks and nuns have become victims of arrests, torture, imprisonment, and even death. Some monasteries have been subjected to raids and bombings, while others have been seized and transformed into military strongholds.

Furthermore, as the economic collapse deepens, many monastics are facing a severe shortage of offerings, struggling to obtain adequate nutrition to sustain themselves. Through our blogs and podcasts, we have shared the distressing accounts of these challenges, shedding light on the plight of the monastic community.

However, amidst this darkness, there are shining examples of hope and resilience within the monastic community. These dedicated individuals steadfastly uphold their commitment to the teachings of the Dhamma, providing guidance and support to those in need. At Better Burma, we stand in solidarity with these unwavering monastics, supporting their efforts while also championing humanitarian initiatives across the diverse ethnic and religious tapestry of the nation.

We invite you to join us in this crucial endeavor. For those who have their own meditation or mindfulness practice, let us come together in solidarity with the monastics who continue to be beacons of strength within their communities, embodying the teachings of the Buddha. For those who wish to contribute to our monastic fund, providing assistance to the monks and nuns tirelessly serving their communities, we welcome donations of any amount. If you are able, recurring donations through PayPal or Patreon are especially appreciated as they allow us to provide consistent support to those in need. Together, through our collective efforts, we can ignite a flame of hope and bring much-needed healing to a country yearning for change.

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