Rekindling Support: Standing Strong for Myanmar in a Lingering Crisis

As the conflict in Myanmar persists, it is disheartening, yet not totally unexpected, to witness the diminishing support and attention from the international community. As a general rule, it is an unfortunate reality that crises of this magnitude tend to fade from global focus after an extended period of time, and this two-year-plus ordeal is no exception. However, we must not mistake this diminishing attention as a sign that the conflict itself has diminished! On the contrary, the atrocities committed by the military continue to mount, unabated by the lack of scrutiny.

At Better Burma, this shift in global attention is deeply concerning. Our donation fund has dwindled, leaving us with limited resources to support those who desperately need our assistance and sustain our overall mission. It is essential to recognize that the decrease in international engagement has emboldened the Tatmadaw, granting them a sense of impunity in their actions.

Historically, the military junta has exploited the distraction and eventual disengagement of the international community, using this opportunity to act without restraint. However, this crisis has seen a different dynamic. The widespread use of social media and the unwavering dedication of young activists have prolonged the world's awareness of the situation in Myanmar. Yet, as fatigue and disengagement begin to take hold, the Tatmadaw, growing increasingly desperate, is unleashing devastating violence upon the Burmese people. Airstrikes, village burnings, and attacks on IDP camps have escalated, accompanied by horrifying acts of rape, torture, abduction, and murder.

We extend our deepest gratitude to all past donors for their incredible generosity, which has empowered us to support countless individuals since the coup. However, we implore you not to turn away from the people of Myanmar at this critical juncture. They continue to fight bravely for their freedom and democracy, and they need our unwavering support and solidarity. We humbly request that you consider contributing whatever you can to help us sustain our mission and stand shoulder to shoulder with the Burmese in their unwavering pursuit of justice and a brighter future. Together, let us reignite the flame of support and make a lasting impact in their struggle for a better tomorrow.

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