Battle for Survival: A Call for International Support

As the crisis in Myanmar continues to escalate, it is important for the international community to understand the reality on the ground and to take action to support those affected by the conflict. This essay, written by a local team member who must remain anonymous for his own safety, offers a firsthand account of the struggles and resilience of the people he is helping. Together, we can stand in solidarity with the people of Myanmar and work towards a future of peace and prosperity for all. For those also wishing to do more, please consider a donation to our nonprofit, which will reach those persons and organizations in need.

The people of Myanmar are fighting against injustice, and for the sake of a peaceful land, it is important to raise awareness about the situation here.

There is a disaster happening in Myanmar, as you may know if you have been following the news. Since the coup in February 2021, approximately 72,000 refugees have fled to neighboring countries, according to the United Nations. The total number of refugees and asylum seekers from Myanmar is now 1,086,000, and the number of internally displaced persons within Myanmar is estimated at 1,473,000.

Despite allowing some humanitarian aid to reach NGOs, the Military Council has been criticized for not ensuring that this aid reaches those who are most in need. The military administration has also been accused of infiltrating some humanitarian organizations and interrogating those who are involved in providing assistance. In December 2021, two employees of Save the Children were killed in a massacre in Kayah State. This has made volunteers working with NGOs cautious about risking their own lives.

As someone actively involved in the situation on the ground, I can confirm that there are places supported by our Better Burma nonprofit that rely on donations and have few other resources. Due to a decrease in donations, we have not been able to provide support for these places for over three months, even though the need for assistance remains. The people of Myanmar are fighting against injustice, and for the sake of a peaceful land, it is important to raise awareness about the situation in Myanmar and to donate to organizations that can provide support. Please consider telling your friends and colleagues about the situation in Myanmar and considering donating to organizations that are working to help those in need.

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