A Message to Meditators

We write this post with a heavy heart, as the people of Myanmar continue to suffer in the wake of the military coup. As many people who follow this account come from practitioner backgrounds of meditation, which in many cases derives from a Burmese tradition, we wish to take a moment to address how the military coup has been impacting monks and nuns in the country.

Unfortunately, as many may already know, the monastics have not been spared in the violence and turmoil that has plagued Myanmar. Monks and nuns have been arrested, tortured, and even killed, and monasteries have been raided and transformed into urgent refugee centers for those fleeing violence. Many of these stories have been told through our blogs and on our podcasts. The military has also imposed restrictions on monasteries, requiring them to register and at times prohibiting monks and nuns from traveling without permission. Many monastics are also struggling to get proper nutrition as local supporters are no longer able to make offerings as before, due to a collapsed economy.

Despite these challenges, there remain some glowing members of the monastic community who remain a beacon of hope and resilience in the face of darkness. They stand firm in their commitment to the Dhamma, and continue to offer guidance and support to those in need. We at Better Burma are committed to standing with these monastics who are standing strong in their own communities, just as we support humanitarian projects from people of all ethnic and religious backgrounds throughout the country.

We urge you to join us in this effort. As we sit in the stillness of our own practice, let us also hold the people of Myanmar in our hearts and offer whatever support we can. Let us be a light in the darkness, and stand in solidarity with those who are suffering. Together, we can help to bring hope and healing to a country in need.

Shwe Lan Ga LayComment