Revolution Starts Here: Empowering Myanmar's Fearless Women

We here at Better Burma have joined hands with a remarkable group of individuals whose unwavering commitment to human rights and peace in Myanmar shines brightly in the face of adversity. Together, we have taken strides to support their vital work. However, the path ahead is long, and the challenges they face are formidable. While we offer our support, the resources required to fund their crucial efforts in full remain beyond our means. This is why we call on compassionate donors to join us in this noble endeavor, amplifying our impact and ensuring that these champions for justice receive the support they so rightfully deserve.

In the midst of Myanmar's complex struggle for human rights and democracy, a critical humanitarian initiative has emerged. We wish to introduce our project while emphasizing the urgent need for support from individuals and organizations committed to human rights and peace.

Myanmar is currently grappling with unparalleled challenges, with women's human rights defenders (WHRDs), political activists, and women and LGBTQI political prisoners finding themselves at the forefront of this struggle. These individuals face constant threats to their safety and freedom, underlining the importance of addressing their pressing needs and empowering them to continue their crucial work.

In times of heightened risk, WHRDs require immediate relocation and protection. Our project is seeking an emergency grant to these courageous individuals who often cannot turn to conventional donors due to their bureaucratic rigidity. Recognizing the family responsibilities that WHRDs shoulder, including caring for their dependents, is integral. This approach extends protection not only to WHRDs but also to their vulnerable family members, who are deliberately targeted by the ruling junta. Through the provision of immediate and resilience-building support via emergency grants, we help these defenders avoid the risk of arrest and torture.

Many WHRDs have been forced into dormancy within Myanmar, working discreetly to maintain their essential human rights advocacy and civic engagement. To sustain this vital civic engagement, they need a regular income. The project aims to keep WHRDs operational and secure, both within Myanmar and in safe zones and third countries. The funding support covers practical needs such as visa costs, accommodation expenses, and language programs to extend student visas, ensuring their legal existence in third countries. This support enables WHRDs to maintain their advocacy with key stakeholders, highlighting human rights violations and advocating for displaced communities in Myanmar. With resilience-building grants, WHRDs can enhance their capacity for political activism, advocacy, and capacity building to protect civic space, freedom of association, and assembly without fear of reprisals or repatriation to Myanmar.

Incarcerated WHRDs and political prisoners face unique challenges, including a high risk of gender-based discrimination, sexual harassment, violence, isolation, and inadequate access to basic necessities. This project aims to provide essential material support to these individuals, fostering a sense of community support that bolsters their courage to exercise their freedom of expression and continue non-violent political activities. Supporting female political prisoners offers access to mental health resources, uplifting messages, and a connection to the outside world. It is crucial to support these women political prisoners, who are incarcerated for exercising their civil and political rights to free speech, association, and assembly, advocating for their release. These actions indirectly enable their right to participate in political activities through association and assembly, aligning with the core principles of the women, peace, and security agenda.

Our alliance has a history of providing this support, with positive feedback from female political prisoners who feel a sense of care and community, essential for their resilience. Our network aims to stay connected with grassroots activists, ensuring the timely and flexible dispersal of assistance. This connection fosters a sense of belonging among WHRDs and reinforces the critical importance of supporting their tireless efforts.

Our project is not just a humanitarian initiative; it is a lifeline for those on the frontlines of Myanmar's struggle for human rights, democracy, and peace. Your support will make a tangible difference in securing the dignity of women's human rights defenders, political activists, and political prisoners, allowing them to continue their essential work without fear of repression, arrest, or violence. Together, we can stand up for the principles of freedom of association, assembly, and human rights, helping to build a more just and peaceful Myanmar for all.

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