Standing Strong with Myanmar: Your Support Needed Now More Than Ever

As the conflict in Myanmar persists, it's disheartening, though not entirely unexpected, to witness the waning support and attention from the international community. It's a sad truth that global crises of this magnitude tend to slip from the world's focus as new stories vie for attention, and this nearly three-year ordeal is no exception. But let's be clear: the decrease in attention doesn't equate to a decrease in the conflict's intensity. On the contrary, the military's atrocities mount as outside scrutiny diminishes. The decline in international involvement allows the regime to act with impunity, and without restraint.

The shift in global interest has also signaled a shift in the willingness of others to show up for the people of Myanmar. At Better Burma, our donation fund has dwindled, leaving us with limited resources to assist those in dire need, and uphold our mission.

Moreover, while international fatigue and disengagement have set in, which allows the military to act with impunity, the opposition has undertaken a recent military initiative that seem to have tipped the balance in their favor. As a result, the junta is growing increasingly desperate, unleashing devastating violence on the Burmese population, almost, it seems, out of spite. Airstrikes, village burnings, and attacks on IDP camps have escalated, accompanied by horrifying acts of rape, torture, abduction, and murder.

We extend our deepest gratitude to all past donors for your incredible generosity, which has empowered us to support so many individuals since the coup. But the need continues, and the Burmese people continue to fight bravely for their freedom and democracy. They desperately need our unwavering support and solidarity. Please consider contributing whatever you can to help us sustain our mission, and stand shoulder to shoulder with the Burmese nation. And if you can consider a recurring pledge on either PayPal or Patreon, that would be extra helpful to us in being able to flexibly respond to emergency needs, as well as stabilize our long-term planning.

Together, let's reignite the flame of support and make a lasting impact in their struggle for a better tomorrow!

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