Bago Update: Who'll Stop The Rain?

In earlier posts, we described the overwhelming flooding that had taken over parts of the Bago region, and how those affected populations were unable to rely on any support from regional authorities. Thanks to the generosity of our donors, we were able to provide funds to those vulnerable communities who were impacted by the natural disaster. Following is a report our team leader sent thanking donors for their generosity.

We have completed the food donation to the people in Bago who were affected by the floods last week due to the quick rise of the water level in the Bago River after the very heavy rain.

Some local trusted monks and their attendants helped us to arrange this donation to happen. We witnessed that the overflow had fallen and it has dried up in most of the urban areas though they were badly affected by the overflowing last week. We observed that the topographic elevation of the eastern parts of the town are higher than the western parts. The Bago River flows across the town in its center dividing into two parts. We observed that the urban areas by the both banks of the river were affected. We mainly helped the grass root people from the suburbs and urban quarters in the eastern bank of the river. Our beneficiaries were the people who live in the huts in the areas around the moat and ancient city wall of Bago. They do not have their own house and they live in huts on the hillside of the grassy mounds which were the ancient city walls of Bago, and around the old moat. [The government call them "ကျးေကျာ် (trespassers)".] Most of them do not have their own house and land while some live in rented houses. The leading monks said that this donation would be helpful to these poor and low-income people because they couldn't go to their work regularly during the flood and this donation can somehow help them with food for a few days.

We also contributed a monastery that was helping to feed and care for over 200 people; this was in addition to the 205 monastics staying at their compound. We saw photos of the monastery where the whole compound was flooded and the street to it was totally flooded. The water came into the ground floor of a three-storeyed building in the monastery and it just completely dried up two days ago after the monks pumped the water out of it by the electric water pumps.

In closing, we want to extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the generous donors who made this food donation mission possible. Your support has made a significant difference in the lives of those affected by the recent floods in Bago. It's heartwarming to see how communities from even so far away can come together to provide relief in times of need. Your contributions have brought hope and sustenance to those who were struggling, and your kindness will not be forgotten. Thank you for being a part of this endeavor to make the world a better place.

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