Bringing Care to the Prisons

One of the local groups that we work with has been active in providing care packages and other support to democracy activists who have been imprisoned by the military junta in Myanmar. In the following passage, they provide background of their work and overall project. As we do not have the resources to fund their full project, we call upon the generosity of donors who may be willing to assist, with a contribution of any size.

In Myanmar, the aftermath of the February 1, 2021 coup and the subsequent Spring Revolution left countless individuals, including pro-democracy activists and civilians, grappling with severe challenges. The military crackdown on the pro-democracy movement has taken a toll, with the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP) reporting a heartbreaking loss of more than 3,900 lives during this turbulent period.

The consequences of the coup continue to be felt, with 24,236 individuals arrested, and a staggering 19,731 still languishing in detention. Among these detainees, 7,013 are currently serving sentences, painting a grim picture of the human rights situation in Myanmar. However, there have been glimmers of hope on the horizon, with the commutation of three detainees' death sentences to life imprisonment on August 1, 2023, and a total of ten such cases confirmed by the AAPP.

For over two years, our team of volunteers have been unwavering in their commitment to make a difference in the lives of political prisoners in Myanmar. Initially, these care packages were distributed twice a month, but due to budget constraints, the frequency was reduced to once a month last year.

In a country where the military council has denied visitors access to these prisoners for over three years, where families struggle to provide monthly allowances and send food to their incarcerated loved ones due to the economic crisis, this initiative provides a lifeline. It began with the distribution of rice boxes in April 2021, where approximately 40 boxes were delivered to those in need. However, challenges emerged when a bomb blast disrupted parcel deliveries to Insein Prison, leading to the Military Council ceasing to accept any parcel boxes.

However, the cost of providing this essential support is substantial, and depends on the specific needs of the prisoners. Despite the financial challenges, our team continues to persevere, ensuring that deliveries occur during the first week of each month 

The significance of this project extends beyond just delivering supplies; it conveys a powerful message of compassion, solidarity, and unwavering support to those enduring unimaginable hardships. It serves as a reminder to the political prisoners that they are not alone in their struggle, that there are individuals who care deeply about their well-being. You can read more about our work here.

In essence, this project shines a light on the dire circumstances faced by political prisoners in Myanmar, who endure not only unjust incarceration but also the ongoing challenges arising from the country's political turmoil and economic crisis. It highlights the resilience of volunteers who have taken it upon themselves to bring hope and relief to these prisoners, demonstrating the indomitable spirit of compassion and solidarity.

1.  Objective of this project:

●      Support for Political Prisoners: The primary purpose of the project is to provide support to political prisoners who have been unjustly incarcerated. These individuals face not only the loss of freedom but also dire living conditions.

2.  What are we donating/delivering:

●      Care Packages: The core of the project involves delivering care packages to political prisoners. These packages include essential supplies such as food, hygiene items, and other necessities to improve their living conditions.

●      Message of Hope: Beyond tangible items, the project conveys a message of hope and support to the prisoners, reminding them that they are not alone in their struggle.

3.  How did we do it:

●      Initiated by Volunteers: The project was initiated by a dedicated group of volunteers who are committed to making a positive difference.

●      Monthly Deliveries: Care packages are delivered on a monthly basis, typically during the first week of each month, to ensure a regular and sustained impact.

●      Financial Support: Funding for the project primarily comes from generous donors who contribute to cover the costs of supplies and delivery.

●      Overcoming Challenges: Despite obstacles, including disruptions in parcel deliveries and changing circumstances, volunteers have persevered in their mission to provide for the prisoners' needs.

●      Emphasis on Compassion and Solidarity: The project places a strong emphasis on conveying not just physical supplies but also a message of compassion and solidarity to the prisoners.

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