"I don’t want to live on the side of injustice."

Last year we aired an interview with Su Thit, the founder of “Spouses of People’s Soldiers.” She spoke about the courageous decision that she and her husband made soon after the coup, to walk away from their life in the Tatmadaw. Although they are now in hiding, she is continuing to do all she can to care for those families who have similarly escaped the Burmese military, such as arranging for vocational training and looking after their needs and safety. Following is an essay that Su Thit wrote, and which has been translated into English. Any small contribution earmarked towards her group will aid in their nonviolent hope to remove yet more soldiers from having to fire a gun.

“We were pretty restless on the first day of defecting from the military and taking part in the civil disobedience movement. I told my husband, ‘We are part of creating history now,’ as an encouragement. He also comforted me by saying that our descendants would never have to be ashamed of our actions. ‘I stood with the people so I am part of the people,’ he continued.

Even if the side of truth and justice is in the minority, he would stand with them. He had to manage to reach a place of safety only after many difficulties. I also did what was necessary so that he could reach there. I had to go alone to some places because it was crucial for his security. I want to say that we, their wives, also have to be brave and support their right cause. This is for our next generations. We don’t want our children to live under a corrupted system.

Actually, we don’t have any kids yet. But we always imagined having children and loving them so much even if they are still only part of our imagination. I am sure some of the officers and soldiers will have children.

To them, I urge you to think about their future. They are innocent and we don’t want any taint in their lives. We don’t want them to be rejected by society. We don’t want any guilt-ridden conscience for ourselves or our offspring. Please reconsider your choices. I don’t want to live on the side of injustice. If you want to be loved as people’s soldiers, there are many paths already laid. You just need to choose those paths.

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