Magway IDP Camps Facing Increased Dangers

We have recently allocated funds to someone who supports the IDP camps around Magway. She reports on how urgently the support is needed, given the conditions people are now living in. Moreover, she tells us that anyone on her team found carrying medicine is subject to immediate arrest and prison sentence, as the military has been trying to prevent any aid to its own citizenry, which it is basically at war against. Because of this, much precaution has to be taken when giving and receiving aid, and when purchasing supplies, in order to ensure proper receipt and that no one is put in danger. To help us continue supporting this IDP camp in the Magway area, please consider a donation of any amount!

Displaced families missing access to basic health care:

In most functioning countries, people dying from the flu are rare these days. However, due to the heavy rains and on-going civil wars in Burma, the refugee camps are suffering beyond what is normal in 2022. Due to inflation, medicine and medical-related items have become more expensive than ever.  Due to the lack of professional health workers, lives are being lost to diseases such as scabies, malaria and even the normal cold.

According to the current ground conditions, it has become extremely difficult to purchase medicine. Canopies and mosquito nets are not easily purchased either. Difficulties are encountered especially when passing through checkpoints in the city.

On August 26th, the terrorist army destroyed 14 houses in the village of Tha Lat Dao. On August 28th, 24 houses were burned in Mak village. In addition, most of the displaced people are agricultural workers, so they planted rice and vegetables and collected food, but now, floods, due to civil war outbreak and bombing by airplanes, they don’t have opportunity for cultivation. This will result in widespread starvation to my community. Due to such content, the number of refugees is increasing, and donors are needed to purchase the necessary materials for the three large refugee camps.

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