A voice from Myanmar says, "Thank you!"

The following letter was written to our wider donor community from someone in Myanmar who wishes to remain anonymous. They wish to deeply thank all those who have remained active in supporting the Burmese people during these very dark days, as they have been following the activity we have continued to post about the allocation of our donation fund. We stand by the writer of this letter to also thank everyone who has allowed our mission to continue during these very difficult times.

“Thank you so much for your thoughts and support during these difficult times in Myanmar. It means a lot to us here that you are thinking of us and supporting us in whatever way you can. We are facing a very difficult situation with the military coup, but knowing that we have your support helps us to keep going.

We are extremely grateful for everything that you are doing to help us. From sending us messages of support to organizing protests and rallies, you are helping to keep our spirits high and giving us the strength to continue our fight for democracy. We know that it is not easy to stand up to a military regime, but we are inspired by your commitment to democracy and not forgetting our current struggle for human rights.

We are also deeply touched by your generosity. Many of you have donated money to help us pay for things like food and medical supplies, and we are truly grateful for your help. We know that times are tough for everyone right now, but your generosity is a testament to your commitment to supporting us in our time of need.

Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for everything that you are doing to support us. We are inspired by your strength, your courage, and your commitment to democracy. We know that together we can win this fight and restore democracy to Burma.”

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