Monastic schools

Better Burma has been requested to begin fundraising for urgent needs at monastic school across the country. Our local team is now completing a comprehensive needs assessment and will soon be issuing its report as to where our donations can best go to support these schools. This is especially critical because at this time, with so many emergencies now popping up throughout Myanmar, very little attention has been paid to the education sector. For that reason, it may be helpful to provide an overview of the value of monastics schools.

The role of monastic schools in Burma is to provide an education for poor children of all religions, as well as to teach secular subjects. Monastic schools play an important role in Burma's education system, as they are one of the few sources of free education in the country. Many children in Burma come from poor families who cannot afford to send their children to private schools, or are not near enough a public school to attend. As a result, monastic schools provide an important opportunity for poor children to receive an education.

Monastic schools not only provide an education for poor children, but they also teach valuable life skills. Monastic schools teach children how to live a simple life, how to be self-sufficient, and how to be respectful of others. Basic meditation instructions are also taught.

Monastic schools are also unique in that they are open to children of all religions. In a country like Burma, where religious tensions are high, this is an important factor. Monastic schools provide a space for children of all religions to come together and learn from each other.

Finally, monastic schools teach secular subjects as well as religious ones. They provide an opportunity for children to learn about science, math, history, and other important subjects.