Completed homes in Sagaing!

After posting the video of villagers around Kyun Pin village constructing new homes, we received this following update further informing us about their progress. We thank donors so much for their support, and welcome further contributions of any amount, which will allow us to continue funding this program.

“We have allocated donations to Kyun Pin Sayadaw for the construction of four temporary shelters for displaced families, to be built in Min Village and Ywar Nan Village. Fortunately, despite rising material costs, we have enough funds available from our generous donors to cover four shelters. 

The people who fled the war expressed their gratitude to the donors of Better Burma for donating these temporary shelters by writing a sign which reads: “Dear Donors, May you be blessed with peace of mind and soul, we will not be demotivated by what is happening to us. We will keep looking forward, thanks for providing houses that our hearts can live forever in”. 

It is difficult to know the status of the completion of houses as communication is not good due to internet outages in the villages. The inspection of the military council terrorizes not only people and steals their belongings but also they sometimes take mobile phone galleries, Facebook messages, SMS etc. Suspects are usually arrested and beaten up. This is why we have had to delay this report.

We are still building more homes for these villagers who have lost everything. We so greatly appreciate if there are more funds available to continue our projects.”

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