A Mon Teacher Living on the Right Side of History

When giving donations to a general fund, it can be hard to know where your actual contribution ends up. That’s why excerpts like the following are so powerful, in which we hear from a teacher from Mon State. They speak to what so many Burmese are living under, and how valuable your donation continues to be.

“I cannot earn my salary since February so it is difficult. It is hard to find other jobs or start a small business during this time too. The cost of groceries are also increasing. However, I am determined to stay on this strike till the end.

I am a high school teacher and I’m 28. When the coup happened, I was so angry! All my young students just had so much to look forward to… and now it is all gone.

I immediately joined the CDM movement on Feb 2, the next day, and I joined many protests personally. I am not going to let the state function at all! After two months, I received letters that threatened to put me in jail if I didn’t go back to work. I’ve seen that the junta is arresting doctors on strike so I’ve been running and hiding and fearing for my safety. I am thinking how we can be safe and support CDM. I truly believe we are going to win.

I joined CDM because I want to be on the right side of history. It’s been 4-5 months since I was paid, and now it’s literally hard to put food on the table. The bank also wants me to pay back my loans right now. It’s difficult but I know it will work out in the end. We must win.

I joined CDM since Feb 8 and I’ve been hiding ever since. The school has threatened to fire me if I don’t return to work. I really don’t care if they fire me and I’m prepared to face the consequences. There are also people who are more unfortunate than me and I urge everyone to look after them.”