Your donation reaches Mandalay Hill

Thanks to the kind generosity of funds you have contributed, we were able to bring food relief packages to various communities around Mandalay Hill and beyond. Working with the local organizations Holding Umbrellas and Gaia Food Relief, your financial donation was able to be converted into essential food products such as rice, salt, canned fish and oil.

Many of these communities have been hard hit first by the pandemic, and then much more so by the violence and crackdown following the military coup. With very few resources on hand, many of these people simply do not know where to turn. Your generosity allows them to survive on a little longer.

We also call attention to the local volunteers who took personal risks to bring these items to the villages. These days everything brings danger in Myanmar, and even the mere fact of accepting donation money is a risk. So also is the purchasing of these goods in local markets, as well as going out to deliver them. No part of the process is easy and straightforward, and in no part is safety ensured.

We close with a statement to you from the volunteers:

“We were able to provide to these families at a time of need thanks to all the amazing donors that have contributed to both of our foundations. Thank you for all those that have donated and showed us continued support in getting much needed help and support to those most in need. Do what you can, when you can for as long as you can with good intentions.”