Beautiful Art from Arists in Hiding

We are so thrilled to be on the verge of unveiling the spectacular paintings that have been submitted to our Art Against Tyranny auction, with all proceeds going towards humanitarian missions in Myanmar. But before releasing the actual art work, let’s take a moment to appreciate the courageous painters behind the pieces. This New York City gallery will be displaying pieces that were made by artists in hiding from the murderous military regime that has illegally seized power. The story of how we managed to get this art out is incredible enough, however for now, the focus should remain on those artists who executed the work— as seen in these two incredible photos.

These two artists have sent in photos of themselves in the process of painting the pieces they eventually sent over. They have framed these photos in a clever way so as to avoid their faces and other identifying features, as today in Myanmar, even the mere act of creativity can land you in jail, or worse.

Although we can’t actually see their faces, it is so heartwarming— and yet also tragic— to see the actual artists whose work has gotten to a New York City gallery. They so deserve the wall space they have been granted, and please help us to further spread the word about the event so that we can attract higher bidders, with all funds headed back to the Burmese people.

And, if are unable to purchase the art but would like to help support the investment that has gone into this event, please consider a donation.

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