Last peak at some stupendous artists

A final look at two more Burmese artists, who painted their pieces while in deep hiding, and which have since found their way to a New York City Gallery. For fear of their own safety, the artists are not able to show their faces, as even the act of creativity has now been deemed illegal by this terrible military junta. So they instead produced their artwork secretly, and we managed to whisk the paintings out of the country, and they will now be displayed in one of the great art scenes in the world today.

The Austrian writer Ernst Fisher once said, “In a decaying society, art, if it is truthful, must also reflect decay. And unless it wants to break faith with its social function, art must show the world as changeable. And help to change it.” No quote could more reflect the reality that these Burmese artists are now living in, nor the vision that their pieces are producing in showing the world, and their own society, another way forward in such dark times.

The event starts tomorrow, and with such great art, with such amazing stories behind it, and with all proceeds going to urgent humanitarian missions… what are you waiting for? Check out the Facebook page, or if you don’t have social media then see the website link, and bid on your favorite pieces now!

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