Sending our best to Myanmar on a day of Thanks giving...

Today is the American holiday, Thanksgiving. Whatever one might say about the historical background for the holiday, the modern celebration can be quite heartwarming: a time to get together with family, to appreciate friends and mentors around the world, to develop a sense of gratitude for those who have impacted us positively, and to express a sense of generosity and giving towards all.

For our American readers, we ask if on this day, you might remember the Burmese people at this time. If you have benefited from a meditation tradition that originated in Myanmar, if you have enjoyed work or travel in the country, if Burmese friends have played a positive part in your life… please think of them at this time.

And if you are so inclined, please also consider making a contribution to help our wide range of humanitarian projects currently happening in Myanmar. While abiding with a mind of gratitude and giving, consider the impact of how your donation may make things just a little easier for members of vulnerable populations, as well as the literal lives that may be saved along with that.

We greatly appreciate any one-time donations, and please also consider making a monthly pledge, which can allow our programs to operate with greater consistency and without pause.

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