Netflix in a Burmese teashop

Burmese teashops have been a staple in Myanmar for centuries. They provide a place for people to gather, relax, and enjoy a cup of tea. In recent years, they have also become a popular spot to watch Netflix.

Netflix has become increasingly popular in Myanmar, thanks to its low price and wide selection of TV shows and movies. While many people in Myanmar still watch Netflix on their computers or smartphones, more and more people are streaming it in teashops.

Teashop owners have mixed feelings about this trend. Some are happy to have the extra business, while others worry that it will lead to more people spending less time talking to each other and more time staring at screens.

Whatever the case may be, it's clear that Netflix is changing the way people in Myanmar watch TV and movies. And there's no doubt that teashops will continue to be a popular place to do it.

These are the shows that are reported to be most popular in teashops as of 2022:

One of the most popular Netflix shows in Burma is "Narcos." This show is about the drug trade in Colombia and the efforts of the authorities to try and stop it. The show is incredibly violent and graphic, but it is also very well-made and addictive. It is one of the most popular shows on Netflix worldwide, and it is no different in Burma.

Another popular show on Netflix in Burma is "Breaking Bad." This show is about a high school chemistry teacher who turns to cooking meth in order to make money for his family. It is another incredibly well-made show that is both addicting and suspenseful.

"House of Cards" is another very popular show on Netflix. This show is about a politician who will stop at nothing to get what he wants. It is full of backstabbing, deceit, and manipulation, and it is one of the most binge-worthy shows on Netflix.

"Stranger Things" is another show that is extremely popular in Burma. This show is about a group of kids who live in a small town in Indiana who start investigating the mysterious disappearance of one of their friends. It is a show that is equal parts creepy and heartwarming, and it has captured the hearts of viewers all over the world.

"13 Reasons Why" is a show that has become very popular in Burma, particularly among young people. This show is about a girl who commits suicide and leaves behind tapes explaining the 13 reasons why she did it. It is a very heavy show that deals with some difficult topics, but it is also incredibly well-made and thought-provoking.

These are just a few of the many popular shows on Netflix that are being watched in Burma. Netflix has something for everyone, and it has become one of the most popular ways to watch TV in Burma.

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