How Telegram has been used in Myanmar

Telegram is widely used in Myanmar, where it is seen as a more secure and private alternative to other messaging apps such as WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger. It is also used by a number of news organisations and human rights groups, who use it to share information and coordinate their work.

Telegram has been instrumental in helping to coordinate the response to the Rohingya crisis. In September 2017, a series of Rohingya militant attacks on Myanmar security forces sparked a military crackdown that has forced over 700,000 Rohingya to flee to Bangladesh.

Human rights groups have used Telegram to share information about the crisis, and to coordinate their work. Amnesty International has used Telegram to share information about the crisis with its supporters, and to coordinate its research.

The UN Human Rights Council has also used Telegram to share information about the crisis, and to coordinate its work. In December 2017, the council released a report that detailed the widespread human rights violations that have been committed against the Rohingya. The report was based in part on information that was shared by human rights groups on Telegram.

Telegram has also been used by journalists to share information about the crisis. In December 2017, The New York Times published an article that was based on information that was shared on Telegram by a group of Rohingya refugees.

Telegram has been criticised by some for its role in the Rohingya crisis. In September 2017, the Myanmar government blocked Telegram in an attempt to stop the spread of information about the crisis.

However, Telegram has continued to be used by human rights groups and journalists to share information about the crisis. In December 2017, Amnesty International released a report that detailed the human rights violations that have been committed against the Rohingya. The report was based in part on information that was shared on Telegram by Amnesty International researchers.

In January 2018, the UN Human Rights Council released a report that detailed the human rights violations that have been committed against the Rohingya. The report was based in part on information that was shared on Telegram by human rights groups.

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