Purified drinking water

The water in Myanmar should not be considered safe to drink. This is because the water is contaminated with bacteria and other microorganisms that can cause disease. The water in Myanmar is also contaminated with pesticides and other chemicals.

There are a number of diseases that can be contracted by drinking contaminated water. These diseases include cholera, dysentery, hepatitis A, and typhoid fever. Each of these diseases can be deadly.

There are a number of ways to get safe water in Myanmar. The best way to get safe water is to buy bottled water from a reputable source. Bottled water is available in all major cities in Myanmar.

Another way to get safe water is to boil water before drinking it. Boiling water for at least one minute will kill most of the bacteria and other microorganisms that can cause disease.

It is also important to avoid swimming in ponds and rivers in Myanmar. This is because the water is contaminated and can cause skin infections.

In 1996, a French tourist died from dysentery after drinking water from a pond in Myanmar. The tourist was avoiding buying purified water because she thought it was too expensive. This incident highlights the importance of only drinking safe water in Myanmar.

If you are planning to travel to Myanmar, be sure to only drink safe water. Bottled water is the best option, but boiling water is also effective. Avoid swimming in ponds and rivers, as the water is contaminated. Remember the story of the French tourist and make sure you don't put yourself at risk by drinking contaminated water.