The Root Cause
“If we don't have true understanding and knowledge, real wisdom, then the way we react, the way we respond, the way we contribute to this corrupt system will turn us [into] an injustice ourselves. Meditation makes it easier for me to understand the root cause, not the result. I focus more on the root.”
Ma Thida went from being a University student in 1987 to being present at the founding of the National League for Democracy (NLD) the following yer, and then sadly becoming a political prisoner in Insein prison throughout the 1990s.
Her quote here, taken from a recent podcast discussion, emphasizes the role of meditation in gaining the wisdom necessary that allows her to focus on the root causes of injustice rather than just the symptoms. For Ma Thida, this approach is crucial for creating lasting change, as addressing the root causes of a problem is essential for finding a way to truly resolve it. Her quote also points to how she is able to use meditation not only for her own liberation but with the intention of working towards the betterment of all beings in her society.
Furthermore, it is remarkable that Ma Thida is able to gain this wisdom and insight while in solitary confinement in Insein Prison! Despite the harsh conditions of her imprisonment, she is able to devote herself to this rigorous practice, while still keeping thoughts of social justice and democracy firmly in mind. Her ability to do so is a testament to the transformative power of mindfulness and the human capacity for resilience.